The VeggieGurlz homepage

Hey! We see you're visiting our new site! Are you a vegetarian, or trying to become one? Well, you came to the RIGHT place! It's Jess and Ashley again, founders of WWW.LOLGURLZ.WEEBLY.COM, and this is our awesome new website. The best part is that it's all dedicated to being a VEGETARIAN! :) Now we know we talk about vegetarianism on LOLGURLZ, but this site is ALL ABOUT it!!! Cool right? Well we don't want to keep you to long, so go check out the rest of our site!!!

P.S. Be careful when you watch a video on the Videos page, or look at the Photo Gallery. Some things might be graphic, so don't check
that part out if you have a weak stomach or are faint of heart.

P.P.S. Make sure not to send us anything without your parent or guardian's permission first!