Why Should I Be A Vegetarian? What's The Point?

There are many reasons why you should go veggie. One of the reasons is that it's healthier. Scientists have proven that vegetarians are smarter, healthier, and live longer than meat eaters, as long as they get enough protein and variety in there diet. Also, there is the  most important reason of all--- Animals. How would you feel if you just wanted to live, and instead you got sent to a slaughter house, to DIE?? It's a fact that 95% of all factory-farmed animals have never seen a blade of grass in there entire life. Now a days most meat is pumped up with artificial hormones, anyway. I mean if you eat meat you're usually not eating pure meat, you're eating chemicals. People that raise livestock to kill pump them up with hormones, so they can be slaughtered and eaten sooner.  It's very unhealthy for the animals and for anyone who eats the animals. NOT TO MENTION, meat contains 14 the times of pesticides than plant foods, And that's not even counting ORGANIC fruits and veggies, which are very delish and have 0 amount of pesticides. Also, about the above when we said "Scientists have proven that vegetarians are smarter, healthier, and live longer too". The science behind that? The National Cancer Research Institute have found that women who eat meat on a daily basis are almost 4 times more likely to get breast cancer than those eat little or no meat. Yep. it's true. There's your science. And here, let's talk about the cruelty of animals. The most important part of being a vegetarian. The best reason.

Animals who die for your dinner table die alone, in terror, in sadness and in pain. The killing is merciless and inhumane. Who would want to be a part of that? You are contributing to the torture of an innocent animal, whether you admit it or not. Just because you eat "pork" or "beef". Let's call it by it's real names: Dead cow. Dead pig. Dead fish. Dead chicken. Really. Yes, really. You're eating a dead animal. You're eating something that used to have a brain, a heart, eyes, ears. Something that had feelings and could suffer, just like us. Even though they couldn't talk, it doesn't mean they couldn't feel. They had nervous systems, just like us. Just. Like. Us. It might as well be cannibalism. You might as well be eating a human. But even if you just took a fork and started eating your best friend, it wouldn't compare to the horrendous, hideous process of DYING the animals have to go through. Go visit the 'Mystery Behind The Meat' page to learn more...

Now that hamburger doesn't seem so yummy, huh?