Title Text.

On The Inside Of Two Vegetarians.

Hi I'm Ashley! I am a vegetarian! I have been vegetarian since the beginning of 2008! I recommend vegetarianism, to well every one! It's not really that hard, being a vegetarian. I'm not really gonna write (type) much about me here, but if you wanna know about my personality then visit www.LOLGURLZ.weebly.com! I am planning to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life. If your interested in becoming a vegetarian, check out the How to be a VEGETARIAN! page. OK now I'll give Jess a turn Bii 4 now!!!

SO... I'm Jessica, or JESS, or JESSIE. I like monkeys. They rock. I would die if they died. Luckily monkeys aren't killed for their meat, only their fur. That still makes me so sad. It *sickens* me.  :( I'm a girl. Obviously. Some crazy people asked me that a few weeks ago. They are *lunatics*. Of COURSE I'm a girl. What, do I look like, a boy?? Well I guess you can't really answer that. But oh well. =I So When we were in the *midst* (I love that word. Midst. Haha. :) Seriously, it's awesome. Say it five times fast. I dare you...) of making our VEGGIEGURLZ site, I was like, let's make it awesometasticerrifical. (That's my WORD OF THE YEAR! I made it up. Cool, huh?), and Ashley was all like "No. We must make it *PROFFESSIONAL!*" I told her, "Professional is boring. It's like being perfect. Perfect people don't wear sombreros. Neither do professional people. BUT I DO!!!!!" :) I *love* sombreros. Haha. OK I know you're wondering, why is she droning on, and on, and ON? My answer: I'm a droningbablleosityremblerpants!!!! Don't you love that word? I made it up. On the spot. I'm so *special*, aren't I? Hehe. =P My real reason is this-- to get *revenge* on Ashley!!! ;D She's being such a professional party pooper. She says, "Jeez Jessie, don't write so much!" I say, "Too bad for you!" =P And she tells me she will write lots on her part to make me mad. Because she knows I'm *very* impatient. So I told her that I would write A TON on my part, to make her madder than me. (Is that even a word? Madder???) So That is why I'm being a
droningbablleosityremblerpants. So yeah. I hope you like droningbablleosityremblerpants. :) I like monkeys. ANd I don't eat them either!!! :D I *rock*. Because I'm a VEGETARIAN!!! Yepperz. Isn't is *so* incredibleisticifreakyosome??? I made another word up. :) Again. Like I said-- I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO special!!! :) :) :) :) I like smileys. :) :) Well you know what makes me mad now?? Since I'm being a droningbablleosityremblerpants, I won't get another turn to write funny stuff and make you laugh. :( Ashley with though. ASHLEY YOU MAKE ME MADDER!!!! Pooh. OK so yep. :) :) that's me. I'm a veghead. Oh yah. I've been a veghead for over a year. Oh and I'm *obsessed* with... *CONVERSE*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yepperz. Isn't that rockinitastical??? Alright. Jess is done. :( It's alright though. You can stop crying now. I *will* convince Ashley to let me write more. Later. . =P OK. Ashley is getting *impatient*, I think!!! :) So she is making me get off now. My work here is done!! Yay.... Well I'm hungry. I'm gonna go eat TACOS!!! Tacos rock. Yeah!! :) :) Alright. Ashley says "JESSICA!!! STOP WRITING! YOU'RE FILLING UP THE WHOLE PAGE!!!!" so Jessie says bye. Peace out. Toodles. Rock On. Be a vegetarian. :) Peace and Hairgrease, Jess.

Hey it's me Ashley again! Now that Jess got her huge long turn, I'm gonna take another turn! Alright now I'm done talking about vegetarianism..... OK! Now I don't know what to write about, or "type" about! Ummm well..... lalalalala..... doo dee dee dum doo doo..... OK, I got an idea! Were gonna have dinner now, were having vegetarian tacos! OK what else??? ...... WOAH!!!!!!! Oh I dunno, I thought you would! =) Did you know? You didn't! OH wow every one knows that! Oh I forgot to tell you that! I like milk!!! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK thats old now, right? I got an iPod for Christmas, so did Jess! I also am gonna get a puppy! Not just cuz I know my parents, its cuz they told me, on Christmas! We just haven't gotten it yet! I'll let you know when I do get it, I'll tell you about him/her!!! LOL!! You can tell I'm excided right??? Well if you can't I AM!!!!!!!!! =) =) =) =) =)!!! LOL!!! I don't know what knid I'm gonna get yet. I want a Chiuahua, but my mom says their to yappy, so does Jess!! LOL!!!!!! =)! I mean who doesn't like a cute little Chiuahua??? I mean I know they can be a little yappy, and their yap is kinda annoying! I still love them!!! I also like pit bulls, I know their totally different! My mom says that a pit bull would be to big though =(, but that just supports the whole chiuahua idea!!! =) Ok different subject now..... I'll talk about candy canes, it's still kinda Christmasey, so their on my mind. I like the jolly ranche candy canes, well actually just the watermellon kind!! =) YUMMY!!! I have braces, they broke, and I need to get them fixed =(!!! Oh well it doesn't hurt though =)!!! LOL!!!!!! OK what else is there... not much now..... Don't you hate it when you can't think of anything to write, or in this case type??? Well I guess I could go now..... I'm getting kind of hungry... OK Bii!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)